GDScript Reference
# If you don’t know how to do something, google it!
# to write a comment, type a hashtag
# lines are executed in sequence
# words typed are variables, and can be assigned by typing "var" and then its name
# GDScript uses the word "var", but leave out "var" in python
var x = 1
var number = 5
# display the value a variable holds
# you can do math, with +,-,*,/,% (modulus), ** (exponentiation), sqrt(), etc
print(number / 2)
# variables can be reassigned, by setting them equal to something else
# variables that store numbers can be used as a number
number = 2 / x
number = number - 4
# operations such as the one directly above can be simplified:
number -= 4 #this does the same thing
# variables can also hold:
# True/False (aka Booleans)
var thing = False
# words, etc (aka Strings), surround in quotes
thing = "Hi, I'm Adrian"
# lists of other data types
thing = [number, False, "Hi, I'm Adrian", 52.67]
# access elements of a list by using []
# the first element in a list is element 0
print(thing[1]) # will print False
# you can reassign list elements
thing[1] = True
print(thing) # will print [-6, True, "Hi, I'm Adrian", 52.67]
# you can add elements onto lists with __.append(), remove with __.pop()
print(thing) # will print [-6, True, "Hi, I'm Adrian", 52.67, 3.4]
print(thing) # will print [-6, True, 52.67, 3.4]
# similarly to how we can do math, we can also evaluate logic (conditionals)
# 'and' will return True only if both inputs are true
# 'or' will return True if either or both inputs are true
var bool1 = False
# remember, thing[2] is now 52.67
# here, thing[2] < 4 is False and bool1 is False
print(thing[2] < 4 or bool1) # will print False as both sides are false
# to compare any data types, you can use == (equal to), != (not equal to)
# to compare numbers, you can use <, >, <= (less than or equal to), >=
# you can also use the words 'or', 'not', 'and'
print(thing[2] != 3 and not bool1) # will print True
# 'If' statements will run code inside of them if they receive the value True
# lines of code inside of the if statement will be indented one level
# you can use the words if, else, elif (else if)
# you can use conditionals here:
if True:
print("is true")
#will print "is true"
if thing[2] == 2:
print("as thing[2] == 2, we will not evaluate the rest of the if statement")
elif bool1: # is equivalent to writing "elif bool1 == True"
print("bool1 is True")
print("bool1 is not true")
#will print "bool1 is not true"
# Loops operate over ranges and lists (aka iterables)
# ranges work with the format range(stop), range(start,stop), or range(start,stop,step)
# ranges start at 0 and step by 1 by default
for i in range(1,11):
# will print 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (stops before 'stop' number)
# lists are also 'iterables'
for i in [1,5,2]:
print(i * 2)
# will print 2,10,4
# inside of the for loop, we can access this new variable I have called 'item'
for item in thing:
# will print -6, True, 52.67, 3.4
# functions allow you to simplify code and remove re-used elements
# you can put multiple things inside of the function's parenthesis,
# which can be used as variables by code inside of your function
# use "func" in GDScript, and "def" in Python
func repeated_sqrt(value, times):
for i in range(times): #will start at 0 and go up to times - 1
value = sqrt(value)
return value
# return will immediately exit out of the function,
# and give this value to wherever the function was called
# this function can be used as below:
print(repeated_sqrt(5.2,3)) # will print sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(5.2)))
var number1 = 1
print(repeated_sqrt(thing[2],number1)) # will print sqrt(52.67)
number += repeated_sqrt(thing[2],2) + 1
# will increase number by sqrt(sqrt(52.67)) + 1
# function returns don't need to be used
func printvalue(value):
return "hello"
printvalue(2) #will print 2
print(printvalue(3)) #will print 3,hello