This section is meant to be a useful reference and provide ways to answer questions you might have on using Godot.

Using Godot

Godot Documentation 

GDScript interactive tutorial

Remember about the Help button in the Godot editor - it has access to all of the documentation and is very useful.

Using the Git Plugin

Make sure to give it access to the repository and check all necessary permissions

When asked for a username, type in your github username, and when asked for a password, paste in your access token that you created earlier.

To finish the merge, click Merge Pull Request, edit the description, and click Confirm Merge. If you don't want to do anything else with this branch, click Delete branch and then remove the branch from your computer in the Godot editor with the remove branch option on the menu button on the bottom of the commit panel.

Using Git on the command line (click to expand)

Git Documentation

A Chat-GPT sourced summary of the basics:

Git is a distributed version control system that helps teams manage code changes, collaborate efficiently, and maintain a history of the project. Here's a summary of how to use Git in a group project, along with explanations of key Git commands: